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Cone Beam CT (CBCT)

A CBCT dental scanner has become a crucial tool that can be instrumental when considering complex treatments and surgical procedures.

The resulting images can be useful for a wide range of cases, including those that involve:

  • Dental implant planning and placement

  • Diagnosis and detection of infections and tumours

  • Oral surgery

  • Complex endodontic cases

  • Orthodontic treatment

  • Periodontal disease

This pioneering technology has transformed the way dentists treat patients, providing a more effective planning process for intricate or potentially complicated cases and allowing for highly accurate treatment simulations.


For our patients there are many benefits of CBCT scanning;


  • It is minimally invasive (particularly beneficial for anxious patients)

  • Provides the patient with an improved understanding of the treatment plan as images can be used to explain how a procedure is going to work.

  • The efficacy of treatment is increased and potential risks and mistakes are greatly reduced.

There are also great advantages for our dentists such as;

  • The images produced are incredibly accurate and detailed, which is beneficial during the detection and diagnosis of oral health problems.

  • Scanned images can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and can aid in the planning of proposed treatments.

  • Dentists can use the detailed images to talk openly to patients about oral health conditions and more easily explain how treatment will work.

  • CBCT scanners also improve accuracy, as they provide incredibly detailed images and allow dentists to assess the risk of a procedure or course of treatment.

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